Charming character building on corner site
242 Papanui Road, Merivale
$ 112,000 + GST
220 m²
Car parks: 8

Industrial-style space on high profile corner site
107 Montreal Street
$ 285 per sqm + GST
206 - 1192 m²
Car parks: 9+

Secure your space in this stunning heritage building with onsite parking
69 Worcester Street, Central City
$ 395 per sqm + GST
Car parks: onsite paring available on request

Prime office space with onsite parking (last space left!)
478 Cranford St
$ 73,750 + GST
295 m²
Car parks: 6

Iconic office space with the best view
69 Corsair Drive, Control Tower
$ 16,400 + GST
46 m²
Car parks: 2

Modern office space in popular location
1 Brynley Street, Hornby
$ 83,625 + GST
334.5 m²
Car parks: 10+ onsite